- 2023- 18 under 18 Award 2023 from the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS).
- 2023- Minnesota Governor Tim Waltz recognized Sanya Pirani for Excellent Service and Leadership.
- 2023- Gold Medalist -Congressional Award.
- 2022-Presidential Award Winner-Gold Medal and Certificate.
- 2022-Community Action Partnership Ambassador Award.
- 2022-23 National Community Service Awards -Merit Award
- 2021-The Congressional Awards (Bronze Certificate, Silver Certificate, Gold Certificate, Silver medal, and Bronze Medal.
- 2021-22 Zero Hero|Zero Waste Award
- 2021-Leadership Recognition from Senator Pratt
- 2021-ChangeMaker Award
- 2021-Presidential Award Winner-Gold Medal and Certificate.
- 2021-MAVA Award for Excellence in Volunteerism.
- 2020-21 Zero Hunger Hero- Gold Award.
- 2020-21 National Community Service Awards -Honor Award
- 2020-Minnesota Governor Tim Waltz recognized Sanya’s Hope For Children for its efforts to prevent and alleviate hunger.
- 2020-Presidential Award Winner-Gold Medal and Certificate.
- 2020-American Red Cross Youth Hero’s Award from the Minnesota Region.
- 2019-Certificate of Recognition from Minnesota Governor Tim Waltz.
- 2019- Proclamation from Prior Lake City “Sanya’s Hope For Children’s Giving Week”
- 2019-Presidential Volunteer Service Award. (Gold Medal and Certificate).
- 2019-Unilever BrightFuture Award winner!
- 2019-Voice Magazine Special Recognition.
- 2018-Point of Light Award.
- 2018-Presidential Award Winner-Gold Medal and Certificate
- 2019-Prudential award-Distinguished Finalists for their impressive community service
- 2018-Selfless Community Service Recognition by World Nice Organization.
- 2018-Prudential Spirit of Community Honoree in the Community-Presidential Service Award Gold Medal presented by HOMS Principal.
- 2018-YSA (Youth Service America) grant recipient for Hunger Project.
- 2017-Presidential Volunteer Service Award. (Gold Medal and Certificate).
- 2017-Senator Klobuchaar send a recorded video appreciation for organizing “Head Start Awareness” and for Diaper Drive for Head Start Families.
- 2017- Sanya Pirani founded Sanya’s Hope For Children –Nonprofit organization.
- 2017-Sanya’s Hope For Children officially becomes a member of the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce.
- 2017- Disney Summer service grant recipient via YSA (Youth Service America).
- 2016-Presidential Volunteer Service Award. (Gold Medal and Certificate).
- 2016-Youth Leadership Award from Community Action Partnership Agency for Scott, Dakota, and Carver County).
- 2015- AFP (Association of fundraising professionals) Exceptional Youth in philanthropy award.
- 2015-CAP (community action partnership) agency nomination of Youth Ambassador for Scott, Carver, and Dakota County.
- 2015- Food Hero Award from Feed My Starving Children.
- 2015-Star of the North Award from John Klein.
- 2015-Excellent Service to the community from Governor Dayton.
Speech Awards:
- 2023-Optimist International Glen Lake Oratorical Contest – First Place 2023- Optimist International Zone Oratorical Contest – First Place
- 2023- Optimist International District Oratorical Contest – Third Place
- 2023- Fourth Place OO (original oratory) varsity with Wayzata.
- 2023- First place in OO (original oratory) varsity with Orono Mound Westonka.
- 2022- Prior Lake High School Varsity Letter Award-Speech.
- 2022- PLHS Speech Team – Captain’s Certificate of Excellence.
- 2022- PLHS Speech- Finalist Ribbon
- 2022-PLHS Speech- Original Oratory -Varsity 7th place
- 2021-First Place in Original Oratory Varsity finals at the Mankato East Speech.
- 2021-Second place at Eagle Invitational- Speech.
- 2021- Sixth place at the Prior Lake Speech Tournament.
- 2021- Sixth place at Speech Madness.
- 2021-Sixth Place at South St Paul-Speech.
- 2021-Honorable mention for the NSDA-Speech.
- 2021-Second Place winner for Zone competition /GlenLake Optimist Club Oratorical Competition.
- 2021-First Place winner in GlenLake Optimist Club Oratorical Competition.
- 2021- South Suburban Conference -Honorable mention award in speech.
- 2020-First Place winner in GlenLake Optimist Club oratorical competition.
- 2020-First Place winner in GlenLake Optimist Club oratorical competition.
- 2020-Certificate of Excellence from the Prudential Spirit of Community Award Program.
- 2020-Third Place winner in PL Optimist Club essay writing competition.
- 2019-District Oratorical Speech contest recognition.
- 2019-Oratorical speech Zone competition winner.
- 2018- First Place at Oratorical speech contest. (Medal).
- 2017- First Place at Oratorical speech contest. (Gold Medal).
- 2016 –Second Place at Oratorical speech contest. (Bronze medal).
- 2016 –Oratorical speech contest-Zone 10. (Recognition of excellence in oratorical contest-Certificate)
School Recognitions:
- 2021-22 Prior Lake High School Board Scholars
- 2022-23 Prior Lake High School Board Scholars
- 2020/21 Prior Lake High School Board Scholars
- 2023- Laker’s Pride Award from Prior Lake School Board as an author and student leader.
- 2019-Principal Honor Roll-Hidden Oaks Middle School- 7th Grade
- 2018-Principal Honor Roll-Hidden Oaks Middle School- 8th Grade
- 2018- Principal Honor Roll-Hidden Oaks Middle School- 6th Grade
- 2018- Laker’s Pride Award-Hidden Oaks Middle School.
- 2018- Principal Honor Roll-Hidden Oaks Middle School.-6th Grade -Second semester
- 2018- All-Star Team Certificate from Hidden Oaks Middle School.
- 2017- Sanya was appointed as mayor of Biz Town by her teacher and colleagues (Jeffers Pond Elementary School).
- 2015- Youth Appreciation Certificate from Optimist Club.
- 2014-Laker’s Pride Award from Prior Lake School District.
- 2023-The Ann Bancroft Foundation $500 grant winner for book publication.
- 2022-Hershey Heartwarming Action Grant Winner ($250)
- 2021- Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation Youth Award Winner ($250)
- 2021-Hershey Heartwarming Project Action Award Winner ($250)
- 2020-The Walmart Community Grants Award winner ($500)
- 2020- World Nice Grant Winner ($200)
- 2020-Allina Health “Dollars for Doer Reward”
- 2020-WE Heartwarming Project Action Award.
- 2019-WE Grant for a service project.
- 2019-The Walmart Community Grants Award ($1000)
Letter from President:
- 2015- Received appreciation to service letter from President of the United States Barack Obama. President also send a signed photo.
Piano Award:
- 2021- Piano Comprehensive Exam 3- Passed with High Distinction.
Figure Skating:
- 2020-Figure Skating-Excel Beginner Competition Medal.
- 2019-The Ann Bancroft Foundation (ABF)! “Let Me Play Grant” Winner ($500 for figure skating).
Volley Ball Competition:
- 2017- Volleyball game completion Medal.