> Ways to help and partner with us - Sanyas Hope for Children

Ways to help and partner with us

How can anyone interested to help Sanya’s Hope For Children able to volunteer, donate, and collaborate. 

Remember, no amount is too large or too small, your donation of any amount will ultimately help us reach our goal and we appreciate your support.

  • Write a check to “Sanya’s Hope For Children” or donate online at http://www.sanyashopeforchildren.org/
  • Fill my compassion jars as a business, individual, or family with loose change.
  • Offer to match for donations or ask your company or club to match or donate.
  • Sponsor my bags and bookmarks.
  • Pack Christmas bags with me, usually we pack the first week of December.
  • Sponsor our Hope For The Holiday Program and many other project lists below:


  • Here is the list for our local and global service projects you can consider collaborating with:
    1. Food Drive- Need in June- September, Next one in October
    2. Winter clothes drive- Hats, scarf, mitten, socks, underwear, etc. – due in July (Planning for next winter).
    3. Book Drive -February
    4. FMSC packing Event and Fundraiser –March and June
    5. Sewing Partnership- Sew bags with us (ask me for details).
    6. SHFC could teach free sewing classes so youth could use these skills to help our Christmas bag sewing project.
    7. School Supplies Drive- August- September.
    8. Hope For The Holiday – November
    9. Christmas Bag Project We sew 500 bags, fill them with school supplies, toys, and books for homeless children. December (Work starts in January).
    10. Diaper Drive- Based on community needs.


All drive dates could change based on community need-Follow our website for details.  Feel free to call, text (952-201-1920 ), or email for questions.


Thank you for considering to help and support.

We are able to help impoverished children and families in need locally and globally, it’s all possible due to generous donors like you!!! Thank you for your generosity of time, knowledge, and resources.
