> Thank you World Nice organization: - Sanyas Hope for Children

Thank you World Nice organization:

Thank you so much Mr. Lee Lemke from the World Nice organization for such a kind letter and generous donation.

May be an image of text that says 'Sanya's Hope for Children Sanyal has been such pleasure working with you and your organization over the years. have always been impressed with your accomplishments. Continue make that positive difference the world! Doing good is great! hope this donation will help you Best luck to you and your organization in the future. achieving some of your goals and projects. Lee Lemke Executive Director World Nice Thank you! Please email me at leemke@embarqmail.com when you receive this check. WORLD NICE P.O. BOX GLENCOE,MN 55336 75-1616/919 PAYTO 2111 DATE 1-1-22blur boyaα Hayo COp Chilavca background'

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