Sanya’s Hope for Children’s versatile bags were first designed by Sanya Pirani to be used as bags for children in need. When Sanya realized people loved her bags, she decided to sell them to raise money for her non-profit. The bags come in several sizes, small to large. They continue to be perfect school bags and can also be used as purses, for shopping, like overnight bags, and for any other use, you can imagine. SHFC bags are made of furniture store scraps, so they are kind to the environment. Sanya designs the bags. During the summer she teaches free sewing classes to youth and adults, some of whom help her sew for the SHFC holiday bag project. Bags can be made with or without the SHFC logo. Yetzer Furniture-Waconia and Furniture Mart in Shakopee have been donating scraps fabric for the last 4 years.
Here is the link for Sanya’s Hope For Children online Marketplace: