> Christmas gifts final delivery. - Sanyas Hope for Children

Christmas gifts final delivery.

Sanya’s Hope For Children just concluded our Christmas Bag Project today by delivering the rest of the 410 gift bags to Sharing and Caring Homeless Shelter! Thank you Andrea Reichwald, Sara Carson, Terri Carlson, Jon, Dawn, Callie, and Cole Paul. The Paul family not only offer their truck to transport our gifts to the homeless shelter but also the entire family took their time to participate in the activity! It was the true spirit of Christmas. Andre Perkins (manager) from Prior Lake Ironclad Storage offered his company’s van to help bring the gifts to the shelter as well. Andre was cheerful and humorous and made our time enjoyable! Thank you all who supported SHFC during this time. Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and new year blessings to everyone! God Bless!!

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