> SHFC is planning multiple services project - Sanyas Hope for Children

SHFC is planning multiple services project

SHFC is planning multiple services project. If anyone interested to collaborate and help. Schools, companies, churches, sports teams, etc. All are welcome.

Here some examples:
1-FMSC food packing event March and April- 130-140 volunteers needed
2-Book Drive Feb or March – books goal is 5000
3-Food Drive April/May – nonperishable foods goal is 2000 lbs and $1000
4-Winter gear drive (blankets/Hats Mitten etc) in June/July/August winter gear goal is 500 items and $1000
5- Food Drive April/May- nonperishable foods goal is 2000 lbs and $1000
6-School supplies in June/July/August- school supplies goal is 500 backpacks with supplies and $1000

More to come…

FMSC dares Options:
March 14 – 1p- 2:30p
April 1- 6p- 7:30p
April 14- 6p- 7:30p
April 18a 1-2:30p

Thank you in advance for consideration.

Here is our website for details:


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