> Tis the Season, It was amazing evening for Sanya’s Hope For Children credit goes to Primrose School Of Savage Students - Sanyas Hope for Children

Tis the Season, It was amazing evening for Sanya’s Hope For Children credit goes to Primrose School Of Savage Students

Tis the Season 🎊🎉It was amazing evening for Sanya’s Hope For Children credit goes to Primrose School Of Savage students, parents, teachers and directors for organizing Christmas Food Drive in collaboration with Sanya’s Hope For Children for local children in need. They collected over 3000 cans of food. Yes, you did hear it correctly. It was huge corrections. I learned from school director that students empty their Peggy bank for this project. Students appeared extremely excited and happy that they were helping children in need. We were simply amazed by their passion and enthusiasm. It was like meeting Santa’s Elfs. Thank you Primrose school in savage learners Dana, Cara, and owner Karmaliani’s. Our hats off to impressive work by your school💕collections was dedicated to CAP Agency since Sanya is also CAP Agency youth Ambassador. Special thanks to Karmalianis for offering to collaborate with SHFC and Joseph Vaughan CAP Agency President for helping us with loading the truck. God bless all those who helped with this drive. 💕🎊🙏#primroseschoolofsavage
#sanyashopeforchildren #childrenhelpingchildren

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